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Call for grants to Ukrainian culture and professional art creators
Applications are accepted from | March 26, 2024 |
Applications will be accepted until | November 19, 2024 |
Purpose of the grant
To support the creative activities of culture and professional art creators who are Ukrainian citizens and to promote their cooperation with the cultural community of the Republic of Lithuania in the fields of architecture, libraries, circus, fine art, design, ethnic culture and folk art, photography, cultural heritage, literature, museums, music, dance, interdisciplinary art and theatre.
Amount and duration of payment of the grant
A onetime lump sum of 1800 Eur shall be awarded for period of 3 months.
Application evaluation criteria
1. Relevance of the activities described in the application to the purpose of the grant as set out in the Procedures (0–20);
2. feasibility of the activities specified in the application (0-30 points);
3. the results of the previous creative or professional activities carried out as a culture or professional art creator (0–30 points);
4. the results of the previous culture and/or professional art activities and/or projects implemented by the legal entity referred to in Point 12.4 of the Procedures (0–20 points).
Who can apply for the grant
Adult culture and professional art creators who are the citizens of Ukraine and who have been granted temporary protection in the Republic of Lithuania.
Who is not eligible to apply for the grant
1. Culture and art creators who are working in the institutions, enterprises and organisations of the Republic of Lithuania – for the activities that are specified in their employment contracts or job descriptions;
2. culture and art creators who are studying in the higher education institutions of the Republic of Lithuania – for the activities that are integrated in their study programmes;
3. culture and art creators who have not reported for the allocated grant.
Submission of applications
Applications can be completed in Lithuanian or English in the form below.
Relating documents for downloading
Stipendijų Ukrainos piliečiams, kultūros ir profesionaliojo meno kūrėjams, skyrimo tvarkos aprašas
Procedures for awarding grants to Culture and Professional Art Creators who are the citizens of Ukraine
Опис порядку призначення стипендій громадянам України, діячам культури та професійної творчості
Do you have any questions? Contact us!
Ramunė Stakutė
Senior Specialist
+370 687 65 947