Open calls

The Baltic Culture Fund

Applications are accepted from January 2, 2025
Applications will be accepted until February 22, 2025

Purpose of the Baltic Culture Fund

The general objective of the Fund is to promote cultural cooperation between, within, and beyond the three Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia – and to strengthen the internationalisation of Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian culture through joint cultural events.

Funded fields

The Fund supports professional events in the fields of architecture, visual art, design, literature, music, performing arts, libraries, museums, and archives.

Funded activities

1. The Fund provides grants for new (non-recurring) cultural events first and foremost outside the three Baltic States, including concerts, exhibitions, festivals, performances, and international events with a Baltic focus, as well as showcases and forums that promote the internationalisation of culture.
2. In exceptional cases, events taking place within the three Baltic States can be funded if they have a very distinct international dimension with a Baltic focus.

Who can apply for the grant?

Applications that meet the objectives and conditions of the Baltic Culture Fund, referred to in subparagraph 1.6 of the Statute of the Baltic Culture Fund, may be submitted by legal persons registered in the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Latvia, or the Republic of Estonia (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Baltic States”).

Application requirements

1. Funding under the Description shall be granted for joint projects composed of partners from all three Baltic States. 
2. For project implementation purposes, a team must be set up and the roles and responsibilities must be allocated among the partners.
3. One of the project partners must be designated as a coordinator; the coordinator shall submit the application and be responsible for the proper use of the funding received. 
4. The project partners must have the organisational and financial capacity to implement the project in a proper and timely manner and ensure the continuity of the project results.

Application evaluation criteria

• Relevance of the project to the Statute of the Baltic Culture Fund and its objective.
• Project objectives and potential outcomes.
• The management of the project.
• The dissemination and exploitation of the project results.
• The soundness of the project budget.

Other conditions

• The allocation of the grants is limited to between €25,000 and €100,000.
• The Fund does not provide grants for investments in fixed assets.
• The grants are not available for projects that have been completed before the deadline of the application.
• The Fund only covers the costs directly associated with the project.
• The Fund does not cover the costs of gatherings and catering.
• The projects should have self-financing and/or co-financing for at least 20% of the total project budget.

Application submission

1. As part of the application, the following documents are required:
1.1. A duly completed application in English, signed with the electronic signature of the person legally representing the applicant.
1.2. A detailed project description including objectives and aims, a work plan and schedule, a detailed dissemination plan (a media and marketing plan), expected results (number of attendees, etc.), and the profile and description of the coordinator and partners, including specification of the roles in the project.
1.3. A detailed project budget, including information on self-financing and/or co-financing, description of revenue sources (for instance information on ticket costs, etc.), and information on support from other sources.
1.4. Partner letters of commitment confirming their willingness to participate in the project and letter(s) of commitment from the receiving organisation(s) confirming their agreement to host the project.
2. The application and its annexes must be completed in English only. If the attached additional documents are not in English, a translation of such documents into English must be submitted together with them.
3. The application and its annexes must be completed and submitted electronically.
4. The application and its attachments must be submitted as one file in PDF format and sent to the Lithuanian Council for Culture no later than 22 February 2025 at 23.59 by e-mail only to The contact at must be informed if a large file can only be sent using an electronic file-sharing service. If a file is sent in this manner, it must be done in a way that ensures the applicant will not be able to edit after sending. Applications submitted in other ways and/or submitted to an e-mail address other than the one specified or submitted after the deadline specified in the call will not be accepted and evaluated.

The Baltic Culture Fund budget


Related documents available to download:

Statute of the Baltic Culture Fund
Description of Procedures for the Management of the Baltic Culture Fund
Application form

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

Ramunė Stakutė

Senior Specialist
+370 687 65 947


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