Latvia to curate the Baltic Culture Fund for the coming three years

Lithuanian Council for CultureDecember 16, 2021

The Baltic Culture Fund, established in 2019, provides support for joint cultural projects between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.  The fund is managed through the cultural capital funds of the three Baltic States, based on a three-year rotation. The Cultural Endowment of Estonia was the first to manage the fund's tenders, but as of January 2022  management will be taken over by Latvia’s State Culture Capital Fund.

The aim of the Baltic Culture Fund is to promote cultural cooperation in the Baltic States and to enhance international awareness of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian culture through joint projects and measures to achieve greater international influence.

The Baltic Culture Foundation supports professional activities and projects in architecture, visual art, design, literature, music, stage art, libraries, museums and archives, and will finance interdisciplinary projects.

The Foundation's priority is to support new, one-off cultural events taking place outside the Baltic States, such as concerts, exhibitions, festivals, shows,  and international events with a focus on the Baltic region, as well as measures promoting cultural internationalisation.

Funding per project is set at EUR 25 000 to EUR 100 000, and the recipient is required to provide at least 20% self-financing. Only Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian legal  entities are eligible for aid. The Managing Partner for each project must associate partners from all three Baltic States.

Project applications are evaluated by a panel of six experts representing different cultural fields. The panel of experts is appointed for a period of three years. Each state is represented on the commission by two members. The Culture Capital Foundation’s panel of experts will be convened by January 2022.

Each Baltic State invests 100 000 euros annually in the fund. The fund also accepts donations.

The statutes of the Baltic Culture Foundation, a description of the application procedure and the logo are available on the programmes website - Baltijas Kultūras fonds / Baltic Culture Fund - Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonds ( The working language for the foundation is English. The 2022 tender will be open for applications from 3 January 2022 to 22 February 2022.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

Santa Zirne

Project Curator, State Culture Capital Foundation
+ 371 2615151589



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