Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sector: the Economic and Emotional State of Female Artists

April 7, 2023

Aims of the Study about Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sectors:

  • to discover how and why female artists’ economic and emotional state differs from that of male artists;
  • to identify measures to improve female artists’ economic and emotional state and strive for greater gender equality in cultural and creative industries.

Objectives of the Research:

  1. to analyse the economic state of artists;
  2. to assess the emotional state of artists;
  3. to assess gender equality regarding leadership and recognition (awards);
  4. to reveal the causes and triggering factors of gender gaps;
  5. to provide recommendations on possible ways to address the gender inequality issue in the cultural sector and proactively integrate the gender equality principle in developing and implementing cultural policy in Lithuania.

Main conclusion:

In summarising this study, it can be concluded that there is a problem of gender inequality in the cultural and creative industries, which manifests itself in the unequal economic and emotional state of male and
female artists. In other words, the economic and emotional state condition of male artists is, on average, better than that of female artists. In addition, men’s creative work is often more appreciated than that of women, which also contributes to a more significant gap between men’s and women’s emotional and economic state.

Researchers: Kristina Mažeikaitė, Kamilė Čelutkaitė

Research Manager: Kristina Mažeikaitė

Year of the Research 2022

Research Report: Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sector – Economic and Emotional State of Female Artists

Summary of the Research: Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sector- Economic and Emotional State of Female Artists_Summary

Original source: Lithuanian Council for Culture


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