The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Lithuania

March 17, 2021


To produce a precise map of the copyright-based industries in Lithuania in
terms of economic value.

Research objectives:

  • Quantify the economic contribution of copyright and related rights-based industries in the country by estimating their value added to GDP (and GVA), share of national employment, and revenue generated from foreign trade;
  • Analyse and elaborate selected copyright and related rights-based industries of importance to
  • Lithuania, their national market structure, value chain, demand and supply patterns, labour market, and the role of collective management organisations and other copyright-related organisations;
  • Identify the comparative advantages of the Lithuanian copyright-based industries with regard
  • to other countries; and propose a strategy for encouraging the growth and development of copyright-based industries in the country.

Key findings:

  • The Lithuanian copyright and related rights industry made up around 5 percent of the country’s economy over the last decade, hovering around this number depending on the measure (value added, employment, trade) and the specific year.
  • The largest copyright industry in 2000–2008 was Press and Literature with a little less than 1 percent contribution at the end of the period, The copyright industry generated less employment than value added – in 2008, employment in the Lithuanian
  • The contribution to exports was the lowest measure compared to employment and value added. It made up 4.68 percent in 2008. Since the copyright economy comprises 5.40 percent of value added, it shows that the domestic role of the copyright industry is higher than its ability to contribute revenues from abroad.
  • Legal regulation of the copyright and related rights activities is well-advanced and is in conformity with the provisions of EU directives and international agreements. Therefore, it does not pose any major legal obstacles to the development of any economic activities related to copyright.

Authors: VšĮ Europos socialiniai, teisiniai ir ekonominiai projektai (ESTEP)

Year: 2012

Full report (PDF): The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Lithuania (EN)

Original post: Kūrybinės industrijos – produktyvi Lietuvos ekonomikos dalis (LT)


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