The evaluation of innovation in the regional municipal cultural institutions in Lithuania

December 13, 2021

Purpose of the study:

Based on Norway’s good practice, analyze the innovation of the regional cultural institutions in Lithuania and propose recommendations for their further development.

Key takeaways:

  1. There’s a positive perception regarding the innovation level of the cultural establishments in the regions of Lithuania. The innovation is mainly promoted by the interested and active employees who have these features: the novel outlook towards the services provided by the traditional institutions, coordination and organization of diverse cultural events and intensive promotion of the long-term project activities.
  2. The main obstacles to innovation in cultural institutions are:
    • Systemic, such as cultural policy
    • Local context of the regions
    • Organizational: the lack of human resources
    • Social: low wages of the cultural sector workers
    • Legal
    • Financial: low funding of the cultural sector.
  3. The largest cohort of the users and visitors of cultural institutions are foreign tourists (mainly from neighboring, EU countries and the Scandinavia). However, the potential to attract foreign tourists is evaluated as modest in general.

The main recommendations:

  1. The core means to drive the innovativeness of the cultural institutions in the regions is through the consistent cultural and innovation policy at the national level and strategically balanced financial support for these establishments and their long-term educational projects in the culture innovation field.
  2. To achieve the goal above, it is necessary to evaluate the target audience, which can help to implement effective measures to encourage public participation in the cultural life.
  3. Based on Norway’s good practice and the completed empirical data analysis, it is proposed to base the innovativeness of each cultural institution on its activity specifics.

Published by: VšĮ “Ateities visuomenės institutas“

Year: 2016

Report (PDF): Lietuvos regionų savivaldybių kultūros įstaigų veiklos inovatyvumo vertinimo ir jo skatinimo galimybės (LT)

Please note that the report is available in Lithuanian only

Original version (LT)


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