Lithuanian Council for Culture

Jūratė Katinaitė


Musicologist Jūratė Katinaitė  graduated from the Department of Music Theory and Composition of Vilnius Juozas Tallat-Kelpša High School of Music in 1992. In the same year, she was admitted to the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA), where she studied musicology and obtained a Bachelor’s degree 1996 and a Master’s degree in 1998. From 2018, she studies at the LMTA doctoral programme in Art History.

In 1994–2020, Katinaitė worked in the Music Editorial Office of LRT Radijas, prepared and hosted the programmes Šio Amžiaus Muzika (Music of this Age), Muzikos Muziejus (Music Museum), Muzikinis Pastišas (Musical Pastiche), Muzikinis Vidudienis (Musical Noon), Muzikos Valanda (Music Hour), Pakeliui Su Klasika (On the Road with Classics), and Operos Vakaras (Opera Evening) on the air of LRT Klasika and LRT Radijas. From 2020, she hosts the programme Operos Vakaras (Opera Evening) on the LRT Klasika channel and the programme Žiemojimas Su Opera (Wintering with Opera) on the LRT PLUS channel as a freelance author.

Jūratė Katinaitė is a member of the State Lithuanian Language Commission of the Republic of Lithuania from 2017, a member of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Awards Commission from 2017, and a member of the Art College of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre from 2018.

She writes articles and reviews in the cultural press on the topics of opera, contemporary music, and cultural policy, publishes interviews with musicians, participates in international conferences. Katinaitė’s book Karalių Kuria Aplinka: Operos Solistas Vaclovas Daunoras (The King Is Created by the Environment: Opera Soloist Vaclovas Daunoras) was published in 2018. 

In 2006, Katinaitė won the prize of the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture for the most relevant and brightest publicistic works on cultural topics. The musicologist was awarded with the UNESCO Picasso-Miró Medal for the dissemination of national music in 2009, with the Tarnaukite Lietuvai (Serve Lithuania) medal to commemorate Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė in 2018, with Ona Narbutienė Prize for the book Karalių Kuria Aplinka: Operos Solistas Vaclovas Daunoras (The King Is Created by the Environment: Opera Soloist Vaclovas Daunoras) (2018) in 2019, and with the Government’s Culture and Art Prize in 2021.

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