Lithuanian Council for Culture

Rimvydas Laužikas


Archaeologist, historian, doctor of social sciences Rimvydas Laužikas graduated from Vilnius Pedagogical University in 1995 with a Master’s Degree. In 2006, he was awarded a Doctoral Degree in Social Sciences at Vilnius University. Since 2004, he has been teaching as professor at Vilnius University. Since 2017, Laužikas is Dean of the Faculty of Communication at Vilnius University. He is a member of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO since 2018.

The main areas of his research are use of digital technologies in heritage and humanities, heritage information and communication, museology, church archeology, and food and eating culture in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Laužikas researched the places of Tauragnai, Bijutiškis, Pašaminė and Dubingiai churches as well as Gedučiai Manor.

He has written the books Radvilų Tėvonija Dubingiuose (Radvilas’ Homeland in Dubingiai) (with others, 2009), Radvilų Rūmai Dubingiuose (Radvilas’ Palace in Dubingiai) (with others, 2011), Istorinė Lietuvos Virtuvė: Maistas Ir Gėrimai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje (Historical Lithuanian Cuisine: Food and Drinks in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) (2014), Dubingių Mikroregionas Ir Lietuvos Valstybės Ištakos (Dubingiai Microregion and the Origins of the Lithuanian State) (with others, 2015), Oginskių Dvaro Virtuvėje (In the Kitchen of Oginskiai Manor) (with others, 2016), Erelio Vaikai: Radvilų Giminės Pėdsakais (Children of the Eagle: In the Footsteps of the Radvila Family) (with others, 2017), Wie der gepökelte Stier nach Konstanz fuhr: kulinarische Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Litauen und Deutschland mit 31 Rezepten (with Antanas Astrauskas, 2017), and Kaip Būsimasis Anglijos Karalius Valgė Povą Vilniuje: Bendroji Britanijos Ir Lietuvos Kultūrinė, Politinė Ir Kulinarinė Istorija (How the Future King of England Ate Peacock in Vilnius: The Shared Cultural, Political and Culinary History of Britain and Lithuania) (with Antanas Astrauskas, 2018). He has published about 40 scientific articles.

In 2009, Laužikas together with Albinas Kuncevičius and Rimantas Jankauskas were awarded with the National Prize for Scientific Progress.


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