Pool of peers

Name, surnameDesignated competenceTerm of office
Kristina PetrauskėMuseums14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Kristina ŠvenčionytėTheatre25/09/2023 - 25/09/2025
Kęstas KirtiklisPhilosophy14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Laimutė AdomavičienėChildren's literature25/09/2023 - 25/09/2025
Laimutė AnglickienėEthnic culture and intangible cultural heritage25/09/2023 - 25/09/2025
Lijana Birškytė-KlimienėCultural heritage14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Lina KlusaitėTheatre14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Lina MotuzienėMuseums14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Linas PaulauskisMusic14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Liutauras UlevičiusCommunication14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Maarin Ektermann Baltic Culture Fund23/01/2025 - 31/12/2027
Mantas Antanas DavidavičiusPhilosophy14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Mantas LesauskasDesign14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Margarita JanušonienėEthnic culture and intangible cultural heritage25/09/2023 - 25/09/2025
Margarita KaučikaitėArchitecture and urban planning14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Marija PuipaitėDesign14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Marija StonkienėProtection of copyright and related rights14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Marius BurokasLiterature14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Martyna Gudaitė-GulbinienėProtection of copyright and related rights14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Martynas MankusCultural heritage14/02/2024 - 14/02/2026
Information updated:

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