Improving the implementation of Lithuania's international cultural policy.

December 13, 2021

Purpose of the Study:

This feasibility study is designed to evaluate the current situation of the formation and implementation of Lithuania's international cultural policy and suggest practical recommendations.

Main recommendations:

  1. To clearly identify the policy goals and value for society.
  2. To distinguish cultural, economic, social and diplomatic goals of the international cultural policy in the policy papers. The documents should contain a general institutional agreement on the financing and management of different means and goals of the policy and separate the financing intended for each goal.
  3. To align the coordination of the policy with other governmental institutions.
  4. To add the international cultural policy goals to the documents and guidelines of the subordinate institutions and organizations.

Published by: UAB “PPMI Group”, commissioned by the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture

Year: 2016

Report (PDF): Lietuvos kultūros tarptautiškumo politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo tobulinimas (LT)

Please note that the report is available in Lithuanian only.

Original source: Lithuanian Ministry of Culture, link (LT)


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