Participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services in Lithuania 2020

October 26, 2021

The survey of Participation in Culture and Satisfaction with Cultural Services in Lithuania is a detailed research on cultural services and participation in Lithuania. It is conducted every three years since 2014.

Main goals of the survey:

  • To record the public opinion regarding the accessibility and quality of cultural products and services;
  • To assess the level of the population's consumption of cultural products/services and participation in the cultural activities;
  • To assess the change in participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services in Lithuania during the period from 2014 to 2020 and the possible causes of that change on the national and municipal/country levels;
  • Within the limits defined in the technical specification, the study assists in review and evaluation of the indicators established in the main State's strategic documents: the values of indicators of strategic goals, tasks and impact of the 2020-2022 Strategic Work Plan (SWP) of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania and the 2021-2030 National Progress Plan (NPP).
  • One of the chapters also discusses the effects of the Covid-19 lockdown on the cultural behaviour of the citizens.

Conducted by: KOG institutas UAB, Norstat LT UAB

Year: 2021

Full report (available only in Lithuanian): Lietuvos gyventojų dalyvavimo kultūroje ir pasitenkinimo kultūros paslaugomis tyrimas 2020

Summary: Participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services in 2020 Lithuania

Infographics: 2020 Survey of participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services in Lithuania

Presentations: Youtube Video, Powerpoint presentation

Presentations on separate Lithuanian regions (available only in Lithuanian): Vilniaus, Kauno ir Alytaus regionų prezentacija; Panevėžio, Šiaulių ir Utenos regionų prezentacija; Klaipėdos, Tauragės, Telšių ir Marijampolės regionų prezentacija.


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